Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Note From Josh

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Josh Shaffer. I work full time with Won By One To Jamaica. I am married, have three children and although I live in Pennsylvania, I reside in Harmons about 1/3 of the year. I have been coming to Harmons since 1989, shortly after Hurricane Gilbert. I love the Harmons Valley; so much so that my family and I have dedicated our lives to working with the people of this Community.
Many people in Harmons call me "Bossy." Although the nickname is partially accurate in that I do payroll for the large number of people we have the privilege of being able to employ, I sometimes wish that I could still be in the role I was many years ago when I was younger and played with the area boys (all of whom are now young men and some are even fathers themselves.)
I would like to say some things about the eight students who have given up jobs in their hometowns to come to Harmons for the summer as Summer Staff. They do not get paid for what they do this summer, AND they all had to pay for their own expenses. I have had the chance to get to know each one of them and I want to say that I am very proud of every single one. I believe it says a lot about the character of someone who is willing to give to others whom they don't know very well and are not related to them.
Now the staff is admittedly not perfect. They make little and sometimes big mistakes like we all do. They are learning to act and speak without offending, which can be a challenge when you are living in a culture that is different than what they have always known.
It has come to my attention that many have read this summer's blog where the students have been writing about what they have been experiencing. Unfortunately, some have been offended at how transparent and brutally honest they have been. A few readers were disappointed that the staff carelessly chose words or phrases that may have been callous or naïve.
Without trying to defend some of the mistakes that were made, I would like to add that I know, without a doubt, that not one of the Summer Staff intentionally said or wrote anything that they intended to be demeaning or show disrespect. In fact, if you read all the posts in their entirety you will see that the Staff is sharing all that they are learning from the Jamaicans and their culture.
It would have been much easier for them not to have done the Blog this summer. They are willingly putting their personal thoughts and feelings on the internet for all to see, and even print off and read to others. It takes a lot of courage to write what you are feeling to total strangers. Some might even decide to believe the worst about them instead of giving an ounce of grace and understanding.
In this Blog, the students are practicing what we as a ministry, which is committed for the long term to Harmons, want to be about. Transparency; Authenticity; Vulnerability; Desire to learn from others; Willingness to help others: Availability to whatever God has in store for our lives. Yes we will make mistakes. Have in the past. Will in the future. But we will continue to ask for forgiveness from those we might have offended, as Christ urges us to do.
We hope to continue to see lives changed as our own lives are changed for many more years to come.
I hope you continue to read and enjoy the Blog this summer.

Josh Shaffer
Won By One To Jamaica
Changing Lives By Changing Lives

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