Thursday, August 7, 2008

Everything Glorious

Have you ever attempted to ponder the vastness of space or time? Have you ever tried to wrap your mind around the concept of eternity? I feel like these past few weeks I have, for some reason, been thinking about the enormity of God and His power. When those times came this summer I would often just feel defeated or discouraged. How on earth were the eight of us here in a small town in the bush of Jamaica going to really have any sort of impact with respect to the entire lifespan of the earth? I felt so small and insignificant. Then I would start thinking about the question I’ve been asking God since I got here, why? Why, Lord, did you send me here this summer? Why did you bless me with this opportunity? Why me? What good can I do down here? As always, the answer God keeps giving me is, “Wait and see.”

So, today is our final day in Harmons. I woke up this morning and almost teared up a little bit before I even got out of bed. A whole summer comes down to this one day, one last day to clean up our living quarters and wrap up our relationships. I know I’ll be asking Him today especially, “Lord, I’ve waited, now when do I get to see?” However, it’s also in these moments of uncertainty, knowing that the past is past and it’s time to move on to another chapter of our lives, when I feel like God gives me an answer. David Crowder puts it excellently when he sings, “You make everything glorious, You make everything glorious, I am Yours.”

One thing I’ve experienced this summer is that God is in complete control. He makes everything we do for Him completely glorious. Even when we mess up or make mistakes that hurt others, He can use it for His glory; even when we have no clue He’s planning on using us, He does for His glory. When I feel defeated at the triviality of life, all I need to do is remember that He makes everything glorious, and I belong to Him. I feel like most of us will probably never truly understand what God did this summer. As we’ve started to process and reflect on what we’ve learned, and as we return home and remember the things we’ve done, we will probably never fully realize how God used us. But that’s ok, because we know we can trust that it was glorious. I think that is the answer to my question, “Why am I here, what good can I do?” The answer doesn’t matter, because God’s got it covered. I need to trust that He had a specific purpose for each of us, and as the staff learned to make the most of every moment, we made our lives available for His use here in Harmons. Now as we struggle with leaving this place that feels like home, we can only trust that as we continue our walk with God, He will keep using our lives for His glory.

Thanks for reading this blog and for your prayers and support this summer. Nichole signing off.

This morning the eight of us decided to hike up a mountain to see the sunrise over Harmons Valley. We had to wake up at 4 in the morning to walk up a pretty treacherous mountain, in the dark. We got to the top of the mountain a little before 5. Once we got there I realized I was going to be disappointed. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky EXCEPT for where the sun would be rising. So, there was no spectacular view, but it did allow some time to think. This is what I was pondering about: We are leaving in less than 48 hours now and none of us are ready to leave. I feel that is the way it should be. If all of us were ready to leave and couldn’t wait to get out of here than that would mean that either we did not do what God had called us down here to do this summer or that this was just not the place for us. I can honestly say for myself there is no other place I would have rather spent my summer. And nothing I would rather be doing than serving the people of Harmons. And there are no other people I would have rather been doing it with than the seven other summer staff. Our time here is coming to an end but that doesn’t mean the growth that has happened in us has to come to an end, and we have to be satisfied with just that. Our soul needs to keep being fertile and keep seeing changes so that we can grow. I am excited to see what God is planning on doing in our lives individually. I know this summer will play a huge role in all of our lives and in very different ways and that right there is very exciting to think about!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Some closing thoughts from Tayler...

Hey everyone! Tayler here. As the staff prepares to leave Harmons this week, there are so many thoughts and emotions that could never be put into words. After spending close to three months here, it’s hard to imagine living life any other way. However, there are a few closing thoughts that I would like to send out there to everyone on the other side of our experience this summer.
Something that has troubled me all summer is the tourism here in Jamaica. Despite it being a large part of the economy here, I am so sad that all some people get to see of this beautiful place are all-inclusive resorts and white sand beaches. The Jamaica I have come to know and love is completely different from that – and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
At the beginning of the summer I would just get so angry driving past big hotels on the way to the airport, thinking about the audacity of some people who come down here, experience a small part of the culture, take some pictures, get a tan and go home. However, as the summer went on, I started to realize that this is exactly what I did on my first trip to Harmons. It’s something I have come to call “spiritual tourism.” The reason I say spiritual tourism is because I used to have great God experiences on week trips, but that high would wear off soon after returning home. During week trips, I would talk to a few people here and there, take some pictures, and go home. Not to say that my previous trips to Harmons did not impact me in profound ways (and believe me they did), but the true essence of Harmons never really set in until I gave up my summer to be here. There’s just something about being here and deeply engaging in the culture and with the people that has changed me from the inside out. This summer I have experienced God through the many relationships I have formed with my Jamaican friends. This experience is not something I intend to leave in Harmons when I return home. No longer do I feel like a tourist who experiences Harmons and then goes back home to a normal life. This time, I intend to take everything I have learned and experienced here and carry It back with me and apply it to my life back in the states. One of my favorite quotes by E.E. Cummings that I feel is extremely applicable here is “I carry your heart with me always, I carry it in my heart.” I know for sure that my heart has been changed this summer…in a way that I will not soon forget.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Be still and know

Nichole’s turn to blog again! All week I’ve been trying to find something new to write about, and it’s actually been kind of hard coming up with a different idea. I could talk about the community and the friends we’ve made here, but that’s already been done. I also have tons of thoughts about processing the summer and going home, but there’s plenty of time next week for that. Instead, I figured that since I couldn’t find the words, I would use the Word of God and go from there. So, I would like to share some ponderings with you over a piece of Scripture that has been stuck in my head lately, Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”

Every week when we are in Ochi at the Silver Seas Hotel, (you should watch the video about it) I try to spend some time at my favorite spot. The Silver Seas is along the ocean, but it doesn’t really have a beach. Instead it’s got a pier right on the water, and off of the pier there is a dock of sorts. When I sit down on the dock and dangle my feet in the water and look out at the endless ocean, I am always overwhelmed at the awesomeness of God. I love looking at His breathtaking creation, and every week I take this time to just sit with God. Sometimes we talk, other times I just listen for Him. In these moments I am reminded of the importance of sitting still and just knowing that God is there and in control and all powerful. I have had many other moments like that in Harmons as well. Sitting in the mornings out on the deck, watching the sun dry the dew in the garden or just walking along on some of the paths up on the mountain brings these peaceful moments with God.

Each time God blesses me with a moment of silence, I am reminded the importance of simply spending time with Him. I thought at the beginning of the summer that I would somehow feel closer to God here in Jamaica. In a way I have, but it has been very easy to get caught up in spending time with friends (especially now that the end is drawing near) and I forget to stop and talk with my Savior. In these precious moments I always start thinking about how blessed I am to be called one of His children. I often wonder how people live without Him and without the hope He brings. Even being in this community of Jamaicans has shown me the importance of dependence on Christ. Without Him my whole being here this summer is pointless, and without Him many of these Jamaicans would have nothing to lean on. While not all Jamaicans are Christians or believe in God, the ones I have encountered who do have faith are so incredibly strong. The hardships they go through and the struggles they face have given them a reliance on God that I can only pray to have.

This week is drawing to a close and we are preparing to spend an extra day in Ochi as a staff. Next week we are released from our summer staff duties and are given a few days to say goodbye to our friends. Then we fly out on Friday and head back to the States. I definitely plan on leaning on God as much as possible and spending some extra time with Him. If I don’t, I’m not entirely sure how I’ll make it through leaving this place that feels like home.

I guess this isn’t much of a blog, but I just wanted to share the importance of such simple things as being still and knowing that God is there. I feel like many times it’s easy to get distracted when you are trying to do the right thing and follow Him, causing a loss of focus from simply being in love with Christ. So no matter where you are in life, no matter what country you’re in, no matter what struggles you’re going through, “be still and know” that He is God and the rest will begin to fall into place.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Our Joy comes from the Lord...

Two days in a row!!!

Hey everyone! Tonight was so cool. McKenzie and I planned the second talent show of the summer, and it went off with a bang. With the courtyard packed inside and out, and the lights dimmed low, the murmur of the crowd simmered, creating an awesome stage for the performers. Spot lights on; let’s get the show on the road! The Harmony House was the place to be tonight, where there were many different kinds of talents being showed off. Singers and dancers of all ages sang and danced, and let me tell you, the Jamaicans know how to dance; they even put me to shame. We had a few Americans playing guitar, singing songs, and rockin’ out on the djembe, but that was only the beginning. I don’t know how flexible you are, but try and kiss your elbow or put your legs behind your head and do push ups at the same time. Crazy human tricks to the max! I can’t even do that!

The summer staff performed a danced choreographed by Tim to the song “Grace Kelly,” by the band Mika. It was off the chain. All eight of us were on stage doing a sweet dance and making people laugh at the same time. It brought so much joy to me. Acting foolish and silly can be great for making people happy (as long as you stay in the boundaries, am I right momJ?) What can I say; it was an experience we will never forget. Luckily we got it on video, so you can keep your eyes out for a link on the You Tube website.

Thank you.

