Thursday, August 7, 2008

This morning the eight of us decided to hike up a mountain to see the sunrise over Harmons Valley. We had to wake up at 4 in the morning to walk up a pretty treacherous mountain, in the dark. We got to the top of the mountain a little before 5. Once we got there I realized I was going to be disappointed. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky EXCEPT for where the sun would be rising. So, there was no spectacular view, but it did allow some time to think. This is what I was pondering about: We are leaving in less than 48 hours now and none of us are ready to leave. I feel that is the way it should be. If all of us were ready to leave and couldn’t wait to get out of here than that would mean that either we did not do what God had called us down here to do this summer or that this was just not the place for us. I can honestly say for myself there is no other place I would have rather spent my summer. And nothing I would rather be doing than serving the people of Harmons. And there are no other people I would have rather been doing it with than the seven other summer staff. Our time here is coming to an end but that doesn’t mean the growth that has happened in us has to come to an end, and we have to be satisfied with just that. Our soul needs to keep being fertile and keep seeing changes so that we can grow. I am excited to see what God is planning on doing in our lives individually. I know this summer will play a huge role in all of our lives and in very different ways and that right there is very exciting to think about!

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