Thursday, August 7, 2008

Everything Glorious

Have you ever attempted to ponder the vastness of space or time? Have you ever tried to wrap your mind around the concept of eternity? I feel like these past few weeks I have, for some reason, been thinking about the enormity of God and His power. When those times came this summer I would often just feel defeated or discouraged. How on earth were the eight of us here in a small town in the bush of Jamaica going to really have any sort of impact with respect to the entire lifespan of the earth? I felt so small and insignificant. Then I would start thinking about the question I’ve been asking God since I got here, why? Why, Lord, did you send me here this summer? Why did you bless me with this opportunity? Why me? What good can I do down here? As always, the answer God keeps giving me is, “Wait and see.”

So, today is our final day in Harmons. I woke up this morning and almost teared up a little bit before I even got out of bed. A whole summer comes down to this one day, one last day to clean up our living quarters and wrap up our relationships. I know I’ll be asking Him today especially, “Lord, I’ve waited, now when do I get to see?” However, it’s also in these moments of uncertainty, knowing that the past is past and it’s time to move on to another chapter of our lives, when I feel like God gives me an answer. David Crowder puts it excellently when he sings, “You make everything glorious, You make everything glorious, I am Yours.”

One thing I’ve experienced this summer is that God is in complete control. He makes everything we do for Him completely glorious. Even when we mess up or make mistakes that hurt others, He can use it for His glory; even when we have no clue He’s planning on using us, He does for His glory. When I feel defeated at the triviality of life, all I need to do is remember that He makes everything glorious, and I belong to Him. I feel like most of us will probably never truly understand what God did this summer. As we’ve started to process and reflect on what we’ve learned, and as we return home and remember the things we’ve done, we will probably never fully realize how God used us. But that’s ok, because we know we can trust that it was glorious. I think that is the answer to my question, “Why am I here, what good can I do?” The answer doesn’t matter, because God’s got it covered. I need to trust that He had a specific purpose for each of us, and as the staff learned to make the most of every moment, we made our lives available for His use here in Harmons. Now as we struggle with leaving this place that feels like home, we can only trust that as we continue our walk with God, He will keep using our lives for His glory.

Thanks for reading this blog and for your prayers and support this summer. Nichole signing off.

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