Thursday, June 26, 2008

One Month?!

Hello my friends! This is Justin and I just wanted to write a quick note this morning as it does mark one month since arriving to Harmons! It is hard to believe that we have been in this amazing place for a month now. The time sure has flown by. We have learned lots, met some amazing people, and had many unforgettable experiences. And we're not even half way done yet! With all that God has shown us and taught us this summer, it is hard to believe there is so much more in store.

This week is going very smoothly. We have a group from Columbia, Missouri in Harmons. And although it pains me to see all of the Missouri Tiger shirts, I have enjoyed their company and excitement throughout the last few days. And don't worry Jayhawk fans, last night I let everyone who didn't like Mizzou eat dinner first. Two words: National. Champions. :)

I encourage you all to check out the three part video based on the show Extreme Home Makeover on YouTube or in the video section of our blog (to the right). Sorry it is broken up into three sections, but it was the only way that stubborn YouTube would accept it. It was a lot of fun to make, but a pain in the butt to get on the web. By the way, I noticed that sometimes Part 2 of the video doesn't show up on the blog. If you click here you can most certainly find all three parts of the video. I hope you all enjoy it! Special thanks to Lee's Summit Community Church for their help last week with the video. You are all great.

Thanks for everyones continued prayers and support. Until next time...


Anonymous said...

great video!!!! I can feel the excitement and the sense of accomplishent in doing work for Jesus :) great to see all the smiling faces and "ole' what's his name" better watch out for his job security to "move that bus" keep the faith and be good, be careful, be safe, and be brave......

Anonymous said...

love the video justin! especially "this video is copyrighted by Justin"